Dec 31, 2018
Hank and Katherine are visited by Matt and Devyn to talk about hippos, muppets, eggplants, and more. This episode is a bit more explicit that usual, so be warned. And if you want to hear more from Matt, his podcast is called "I Love It" and it's available wherever podcasts are at.
Dec 24, 2018
Let's go over a BUNCH OF MISTAKES that Hank made this week! First deletions in a while, but they were worth it. WE ARE THE BLARTMEN NOW!!
Dec 18, 2018
Hank and Katherine are joined by Jesslyn, one of their oldest and best friends to talk about salad dressing, Keanu Reeves, going swayze, Kathy Ireland, and working on some Night Moves.
Dec 10, 2018
Hank and Katherine have a short episode this week, though there are lots of draft tweets saved and not released during the P4A. Also, yes, it is too much to ask for there to be a boyband composed of 50 year olds. And let's talk a bit about the TUMBLR NEWS!!!
Dec 4, 2018
Let's talk about Shrek, hunger, and how much I tweeted about Orin this week. Also, we have to talk some about Cowboy Bebop...sorry to everyone who doesn't care about that. Oh, and Katherine is super into these new fancy nuts.